Hello Espoo event 07.03.2024 – Explore Espoo

Hello Espoo event

Credits: City of Espoo

7 mars 2024
17:00 - 19:00
Otaniemen lukio (Tietotie 6, 02150 Espoo)
Read more & Register

Calling all Espoo residents, newcomers, and future adventurers!

Do you want to know more about the services and activities provided by the City of Espoo and organisations in the area? Do you also want to enjoy music performances, keynote about learning Finnish and activities for the whole family?


City of Espoo will show you reasons to fall in love with Espoo at the Hello Espoo event. You can meet and discuss with different units of the city of Espoo and organizations about their activities from living and working at Espoo to education, social services, health and well-being and leisure. You can ask about your hometown (or future hometown) - Espoo, as well.


The event is free-of-charge, and open for everyone, and you can join the event whenever it suits you. Please register to the event for the best communication & preparation by 1.3.2024 through this registration link below. We will pick one winner from all registrations for a special gift. The winner will be announced at Otaniemi upper secondary school.


Registration for Participants

Registration for Service Providers


The event is organized in English, in easy Finnish and many other languages. The keynote is organised in English. You can check event agenda and activities here.


The above content and event program are conducted by the City of Espoo. The event is a part of the national Talent Boost program and development work of guidance and counselling services for immigrants. The event is funded by the Ministry of Employment and Economy.

Nga Phan

Coordinator, City of Espoo